Ellosis CRM is a tool developed to work in an integrated way with the Ellosis Management system, providing the sales team with greater agility and control of the customer portfolio.What are the main advantages of the Ellosis CRM app?- Agility and greater reliability in the exchange of information between the sales team and the administrative sector, avoiding rework in daily activities, minimizing possible failures in the process.- Enables quick typing of orders and quotations, even allowing you to copy and edit a previous record, or if you prefer, just consult the sales history.- The information is all available to the seller, making it possible to follow a complete order history through a timeline, thus facilitating the positioning of any necessary information to the customer.- Sharing through the application of budgets, orders, Danfe and XML of the NF.- Flexibility to edit an order even after integration with the management system, generating all the necessary alerts to inform users of the changes made.- Integration of budgets for the management system, making it possible to monitor open sales negotiations. When the customer makes the purchase, the seller only changes the status of the ordering budget in the app, which automatically updates this information in the system. If this change is inserted in the management system, the seller receives this information through the timeline.- Quick and practical generation of business management reports for the seller, facilitating the management of your customer portfolio.- The app works offline too, thus facilitating sales activities.- Geolocation of customers, create the best route of visits.- Have the negotiation history with your customers.- Register new customers and control your prospects.- View the main management indicators in an intuitive panel and with what is really needed.- Agile and dynamic tool created for users to focus on what really matters, the result.More information? contact the Ellosis team at www.ellosis.com.br.